A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club)

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A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club)

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club)

RRP: £18.00
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Your inner body is not solid but spacious. It is not your physical form but the life that animates the physical form. It is the intelligence that created and sustains the body, simultaneously coordinating hundreds of different functions of such extraordinary complexity that the human mind can only understand a tiny fraction of it. When you become aware of it, what is really happening is that the intelligence is becoming aware of itself. It is the elusive ‘life’ that no scientist has ever found because the consciousness that is looking for it is it.“ In the book, Tolle asserts that everyone can find "the freedom and joy of life" if they live in the present moment. [4] The book describes human dysfunction, selfishness, anxiety, and the inhumanity we inflict on each other, as well as mankind's failed attempts to find life meaning and purpose through material possessions and unhealthy relationships. [1] It asserts that thoughts can have a powerful and beneficial "effect on the healing process" [4] and puts forth a concept of "evolutionary transformation of human consciousness" which prompts the reader to participate in "honest self-evaluation [that] can lead to positive change." [4] Synopsis [ edit ] So your physical body, which is form, reveals itself as essentially formless when you go deeper into it. It becomes a doorway into inner space.” Most ancient religions and spiritual traditions share the common insight – that our ‘normal’ state of mind is marred by a fundamental defect. However, out of this insight into the nature of the human condition – we may call it the bad news – arises a second insight: the good news of the possibility of a radical transformation of human consciousness. In Hindu teachings (and sometimes in Buddhism also), this transformation is called enlightenment. In the teachings of Jesus, it is salvation, and in Buddhism, it is the end of suffering. Liberation and awakening are other terms used to describe this transformation.” Until the new consciousness, which is awareness-based, grows and becomes more firmly established in the human psyche, temporary regression to the egoic state of consciousness (or rather unconsciousness) can easily occur. I have noticed with concern, for example, that not only certain politicians, but also some commentators in respectable publications are increasingly portraying Russia and/or China as the “enemy.” Thoughts can spread like a virus, and if thoughts proliferate in the collective psyche, they distort our perceptions and cause us to act as if they were true, and so subsequently they manifest as our reality.

Those two movements, the outgoing and the return are also reflected in each person’s life cycles. Out of nowhere, so to speak, ‘you’ suddenly appear in this world. Birth is followed by expansion. There is not only physical growth, but also growth of knowledge, activities, possessions, experiences. Your sphere of influence expands and life becomes increasingly complex. This is a time when you are mainly concerned with finding or pursuing your outer purpose. Usually there is also a corresponding growth of the ego, which is identification with all the above things, and so your form identity becomes more and more defined. This is also the time when outer purpose – growth – tends to become usurped by the ego, which unlike nature does not know when to stop in its pursuit of expansion and has a voracious appetite for more.” Most people are so distracted by their thoughts, so identified with the voices in their heads, they can no longer feel the aliveness within them. To be unable to feel the life that animates the physical body, the very life that you are, is the greatest deprivation that can happen to you. You then begin to look not only for substitutes for that natural state of well­being within, but also for something to cover up the continuous unease that you feel when you are not in touch with the aliveness that is always there but usually overlooked.” Once you have reached a certain level of consciousness, (and if you are reading this, you almost certainly have), you are able to decide what kind of a relationship you want to have with the present moment. Do I want the present moment to be my friend or my enemy? The present moment is inseparable from life, so you are really deciding what kind of a relationship you want to have with life. Once you have decided you want the present moment to be your friend, it is up to you to make the first move: become friendly toward it, welcome it no matter in what disguise it comes, and soon you will see the results. Life becomes friendly toward you; people become helpful, circumstances cooperative. One decision changes your entire reality.“ Can human beings lose the density of their conditioned mind structures and become like crystals or precious stones, so to speak, transparent to the light of consciousness?” I want to know the mind of God,’ Einstein said. ‘The rest are details.’ What is the mind of God? Consciousness. What does it mean to know the mind of God? To be aware. What are the details? Your outer purpose, and whatever happens outwardly.”

The moment you become aware of the ego in yourself, that emerging awareness is who you are beyond ego, the deeper ‘I.’“ What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that.” He basically says everything we do on this earth is secondary to our primary purpose of Being, and having a oneness with the universe. He encourages us to focus on that beingness, to breathe, to be fully present in every moment. He then goes on to say that just b/c this earth is not our primary goal, that doesn't meant that there is no purpose to life. Our purpose is whatever we are doing at any present moment. don't live for the future, don't dwell on the past. Do whatever you're doing to the best of your ability and with all your being, even if that means just typing this out. this is what my purpose is right now. Oprah] Winfrey calls the book ‘a wake-up call for the entire planet, one reader at a time.’”— USA Today An article in Success magazine describes A New Earth as a "self-improvement book" that encourages its readers to live their lives in each present moment and to create happiness for themselves without emphasizing material possessions. [2] Tolle's intent is to change the way human beings think, and he envisions a world population that is increasingly humble, enlightened, and pure. [2] According to Tolle, the book's purpose "is not to add new information or beliefs to your mind or to try to convince you of anything, but to bring about a shift in consciousness". [3]

When you contemplate the unfathomable depth of space or listen to the silence in the early hours just before sunrise, something within you resonates with it as if in recognition. You then sense the vast depth of space as your own depth, and you know that precious stillness that has no form to be more deeply who you are than any of the things that make up the content of your life.” The book is an excellent spiritual book, and it gives its readers some useful and handy pieces of advice. The author describes some negative aspects of life and explains how they negatively affect the human mind and human body and psychology. The author has also explained how such stuff and negativity can be controlled and kept apart from our lives to live a happy and healthy life.Oprah] Winfrey calls the book ‘a wake-up call for the entire planet, one reader at a time.'”— USA Today And the egos greatest enemy of all is, of course, the present moment, which is to say, life itself.“ The whole is made up of existence and Being, the manifested and the unmanifested, the world and God. So when you become aligned with the whole, you become a conscious part of the interconnectedness of the whole and its purpose: the emergence of consciousness into this world.“ Can they defy the gravitational pull of materialism and materiality and rise above identification with form that keeps the ego in place and condemns them to imprisonment within their own personality?” What we perceive as physical matter is energy vibrating (moving) at a particular range of frequencies. Thoughts consist of the same energy vibrating at a higher frequency than matter, which is why they cannot be seen or touched.”

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