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Letting in the Light

Letting in the Light

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I came to realise she did me a favour. There is no benefit in holding onto false hope, endlessly seeking a cure, or a way I could be patched up to prevent further brokenness. In her poem, The Unbroken, Rashani Réa encourages us to find strength in our brokenness:

From the award-winning author of The Apothecary's Daughter comes the next book in the Spindrift Trilogy - a beautifully evocative, family drama, perfect for fans of Santa Montefiore, Lucinda Riley and Elizabeth Jane Howard's Cazalet Chronicles . Her movements were graceful as she lifted the painting off the wall and wrapped it carefully in tissue and then brown paper.So the labor of weary weeks and months in the children’s behalf was all undone by a third-rate clerk in an executive office; but he saved the one thing he had in mind: the city government is “run” to date, and his pay is secure. Women’s fiction with more than a little predictable romance but with some serious issues layered beneath the surface. Themes of starting over, acceptance, misunderstandings, guilt, and kismet.

The committee put a red daub on the map to indicate trouble. Then it asked those police captains who had not spoken to show them where their precincts were, and why they had no trouble. Every one of them put his finger on a green spot that marked a park. But, my dear sir,” he coughed diplomatically, “isn’t it rather unusual? I never heard of such a thing.” Your words, (which I reread last night), are a great comfort. Your strength is inspiring. Your insights are grounding. And being reminded that I am not alone, while saddening, is, (perhaps selfishly), a comfort in itself. All the characters each have a story that makes them uniquely interesting and I liked them all. My absolute favorite was Patience, I felt a kind of sister-ship with her.Third, unless you are a very good friend with great qualities to outweigh this downer, I really just don't care for pointless cussing. I find it disrespectful to others and expressive of contempt in general. If you've just busted your toe, or broken a plate you love, or lost two hours of work because the computer blitzed and you hadn't remembered to save anything - I get it. Cussing is perfect for such times to relieve anxiety and aptly express the moment. But to use profanity for no reason, you have to be a super good friend or my attention simply walks away. I wouldn't put a book down just because of Davies' admittedly fairly-low level of swearing use, but with other factors adding to my discontent, it is part of the picture. When it’s all over, will the Spindrift community survive an unexpected threat and will Edith and Pascal ever be able to fulfil their dream? Oh, goodness. Where to start on this one. I've not had the chance to read anything by Emma Davies previously. This one was pretty good! Interesting characters, a great storyline and smooth flow is exactly what I look for in a great book and this one had it all. To me the sign of a good book is one where on a day where I'm absolutely shattered, and have the option of sleeping or reading on my commute to work, what wins without even thinking was continuing my enjoyment of Letting In Light. Not only did I stay awake, but I didn't really want to get off the train and stop reading. Not every book makes me feel like that. Easterly Artists Letting in the Light Malcolm Cudmore – Big Yellow Tractor Aldeburgh. Credit Malcolm Cudmore

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